A Unique Opportunity to Reach a Dedicated Muslim Audience

Now is the perfect time to join our illustrious sponsors and seize the opportunity to make a lasting impact for your business or organisation.
Islam Channel is the premier platform for reaching a global Muslim audience, offering unparalleled coverage in the UK and worldwide. From TV and online streaming to cable, satellite, SMART TV, mobile apps, and social media, our comprehensive reach ensures your brand connects with millions.
The Islam Channel Business Awards is our flagship event, celebrated across all our platforms and widely recognised throughout the Muslim community.
Why Sponsor the Business Awards?
- Connect with 1,000 elite guests at the event and millions more watching live on TV and online.
- Begin building your brand’s visibility as soon as you sign up, with opportunities to feature in our promotional adverts, website, e-newsletters, and other digital and printed marketing materials.
- Be in the spotlight as you network with the top names in the British Muslim business world, with your brand featured prominently at the event.
- Continue reaping the benefits as event highlights, featuring your brand, are shared on TV, digital platforms, and social media for months to come.
This is your chance to raise your profile, create brand awareness, and network with the leading figures in the Muslim business community. Your sponsorship also ensures your logo remains visible in association with this prestigious event and future Islam Channel endeavours.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to shine. Request our sponsorship pack or contact our friendly sales team at sales@islamchannel.tv to secure your place today!